Blood Pressure is one of the most common diagnostic measures used by Doctors. It measures the amount of pressure exerted on your arteries by your heart’s pumping of blood. High blood pressure, also called “Hypertension”, means your heart has to pump harder to move blood throughout your body. This extra pumping stresses both your heart […]
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How to Interpret Cholesterol Test Numbers
What do my cholesterol test results mean? Cholesterol is a form of fat used by your body to make cell membranes. If you have too much in your blood, it can stick to the walls of your blood vessels and result in narrow arteries. This means your heart has to work harder to pump your […]
Read MoreTreating a Sore Throat: Rapid Strep Tests
One of the more common reasons patients go to the doctor is “sore throat”. Most sore throats are caused by viral infections that will eventually improve on their own. But some are caused by bacterial infections that are more complicated and take longer to resolve. “Strep Throat” is the most common bacterial infection and is […]
Read MoreStrategies to Minimize Medical Insurance Co-Pays and Deductibles
Work with Your Provider to Reduce Costs CRMA’s most difficult billing-related complaints are often the result of large bills patients receive due to an insurance deductible. In the last 10 years, health plans and employers have been shifting more and more medical costs to patients in the form of copays, deductibles, and coinsurance. Theoretically this […]
Read MoreWhat is A Normal Heart Rate Under a Stress Test for Adults?
A stress test (a heart rate stress test) is used to measure your heart rate recovery time. Your doctor may recommend a stress test if you’re experiencing an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia), or if you’re showing signs or symptoms of coronary artery disease. This test can also be used to inform treatment decisions, measure the effectiveness […]
Read MoreHow Long Does a Cardiac Stress Test Take?
The purpose of a cardiac stress test is to show how your heart works during physical activity. Exercise makes your heart pump harder and faster, and when you exercise during a stress test, blood flow problems within your heart can be detected. How long does a cardiac stress test take? The test takes about one […]
Read MoreThe Reason Why You Might Not Be Able to Lose Weight
For most people, weight loss doesn’t happen overnight. And very often, when the weight finally comes off, the body “fights back” by slowing the rate of weight loss or stopping it altogether. If you’ve been cutting calories and working out more, but still can’t lose weight, there is likely more than one reason for it. […]
Read MoreThe Foods to Eat to Improve Colon and Overall Health
If you’ve never had some type of gastrointestinal problem, you’re fortunate … or a very careful eater. The truth is, our fast-paced schedules and hectic lives can lead to a lack of nutrients and fiber: A direct route to a chronically upset, out-of-balance digestive system. Thankfully, you can reset your digestive system and help clear […]
Read MoreMedical Diagnosis Imaging: What Are the Different Types?
Medical diagnosis imaging is a technology that lets doctors see inside the body for symptoms and sources of medical conditions. In creating detailed images, different types of machines and techniques can take pictures of your body’s internal structures and activities. Advancements in imaging technology have been the sparks behind a healthcare revolution. Over the past […]
Read MoreBlood Sugar Levels: What’s Normal for Glucose Levels?
If you have diabetes, you may know that the goal of treatment is to bring blood sugar (glucose) as close to normal as possible. But what is “normal?” Knowing those numbers, and how to achieve them, is key to managing diabetes and living a healthy, active life. Sugar vs. glucose There are different kinds of […]
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